I can't help myself - flitting from one project to the next. First it was Eldar Guardians, then Empire flagellants, Night Goblins and now Warhammer/Mordheim scenery. I guess it keeps me on my toes but I'm getting a pile of half completed minis which I will have to get some closure on soon.

After scrutinising the Mordheim scenery I have (from the boxed game), I decided on a mock-tudor house design with one half of the house open. I toyed with the idea of keeping the lower floor open but it posed too many problems.

The walls are made from foamcard with lollypop sticks (broken and aged) for the beams. I've been using Copydex glue to hold everything together which is very strong but it does leave a yellow stain. Hopefully this will disappear with the paint job.

I'm planning to order some accessories from Antenociti's Workshop (
http://www.barrule.com/Workshop/index.html) which is based in Shropshire and have a great range of items for scratch-building scenery. I'm looking to buy crates, barrels, windows etc. etc. to make the scenery that more authentic. I did look into purchasing some Hirst Arts moulds but I lack the confidence to assume they will come out as I want them!

The plan is to finish another building and then paint them up (using some simple washes and drybrushing techniques from Town Cryer). I will post a Mordheim battle report with these in action when I find the time (and an opponent) to do so.
Rather alarmingly, whilst being a bit of a GW fanboy, I've been interested in the Flames of War articles on BoLS. I'm not sure I could afford to start yet another army (and since I've got Epic Armageddon to ease my tank battle cravings) but the premise of the game seems solid and fun. We shall see.
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